## version $VER: XX.catalog XX.XX (XX.XX.XX) ## codeset X ## language X MSG_IFFP_STDFIRST ; End of file (not an error); MSG_IFFP_STD2 ; End of context (not an error); MSG_IFFP_STD3 ; No lexical scope; MSG_IFFP_STD4 ; Insufficient memory; MSG_IFFP_STD5 ; Stream read error; MSG_IFFP_STD6 ; Stream write error; MSG_IFFP_STD7 ; Stream seek error; MSG_IFFP_STD8 ; File is corrupt; MSG_IFFP_STD9 ; IFF syntax error; MSG_IFFP_STD10 ; Not an IFF file; MSG_IFFP_STD11 ; Required hook vector missing; MSG_IFFP_STDLAST ; Return to client; MSG_IFFP_NOCLIP_D ; Clipboard open of unit %ld failed\n; MSG_IFFP_NOFILE ; File not found\n; MSG_IFFP_NOFILE_S ; %s: File open failed\n; MSG_IFFP_NOTOP ; Parsing error; no top chunk\n; MSG_IFFP_CLIENTERR ; Client error; MSG_IFFP_NOIFFFILE ; File not found or wrong type; MSG_IFFP_NOFORM ; No FORM; MSG_IFFP_UNKNOWNERR_D ; Unknown parse error %ld; MSG_IFFP_NOMEM ; Not enough memory\n; MSG_IFFP_NOIFF ; Can't AllocIff; MSG_IFFP_NOIFFPARSE ; Can't open iffparse.library; MSG_IFFP_NOINTUITION ; Can't open intuition.library; MSG_IFFP_NOGRAPHICS ; Can't open graphics.library; MSG_ILBM_NOILBM ; Not an ILBM\n; MSG_ILBM_NOBMHD ; No ILBM.BMHD chunk\n; MSG_ILBM_NOBODY ; No ILBM.BODY chunk\n; MSG_ILBM_NODISPLAY ; Failed to open display\n; MSG_ILBM_NORASTER ; Failed to allocate raster\n; MSG_ILBM_NOCOLORS ; No colortable allocated\n; MSG_ILBM_HUNTED ; ILBM is embedded in complex file; MSG_ILBM_TOODEEP ; planes, displaying initial planes; MSG_ILBM_PRTTROUBLE_D ; Printer error %ld\n; MSG_OSCR_NOMEM ; Not enough memory; MSG_OSCR_NOCHIPMEM ; Not enough chip memory; MSG_OSCR_NOMONITOR ; monitor not available; MSG_OSCR_NOCHIPS ; required chipset not available; MSG_OSCR_PUBNOTUNIQUE ; public screen already open; MSG_OSCR_UNKNOWNMODE ; mode ID is unknown; MSG_OSCR_UNKNOWNERR_D ; unknown OpenScreen error %ld;